Do you need a hair cast?
If your waves don’t last very long, get frizzy, or fall flat without a cast, then you may need to get a cast to change those results. However, if your hair gives you results you like without a gel cast, there is no reason you need one!
Some people with wavy hair have a rather delicate pattern that doesn’t support itself very well. These people are likely to benefit greatly from getting a gel cast (or mousse cast).
Others with wavy hair have a really durable pattern, so they can just wash their hair, have lovely waves that last for days without gel at all. It can really vary. If you are happy with your hair and haven’t got a cast before, no need to worry about it.
If you are looking to change your hair in almost any way, whether it’s getting your hair to last longer, getting it to stay tighter, reducing frizz, or improving definition – these are all likely to be improved if you get a gel cast.
For me, getting my waves to last long-term is dramatically improved by getting a gel cast. Most of my post how to get wavy hair to last longer is focused on getting a cast for that reason. In general, I’d say that getting a cast is one of the biggest changes I made to my hair when trying to embrace my waves. So, it’s a big deal – or can be, at least.
For these reasons, if you aren’t happy with your hair and haven’t got a cast, I’d encourage you to try getting one and see how it changes things. It certainly is not required though.
There are definitely plenty of people with wavy hair wh don’t get a gel cast and get good results. For example, Swavy Curly Courtney (a popular wavy-haired youtuber) says she rarely gets a cast. Clearly, her hair is gorgeous. Without a cast, my hair will fall flat before wash day is over. With a cast, I can get 3-4 days of waves. So, everyone is different.